The Awakening is upon us
Join the spiritual journey towards enlightenment
My name is AL, and I'd first like to state that I am not an enlightened individual by any means. Honestly speaking, I need a lot of work in that aspect! However, I have been very curious about the subject for close to 25 years now, and it most certainly is my main goal in life. I don't know why I want it so bad, but I do. There weren't many people who felt this way 20 years ago, but that number is growing quickly, and this website is specifically for those people. So! I guess this is the part where you decide if you want to keep reading or not. It's okay if you don't! It only means you're not ready yet! Besides, this really isn't for everybody. I plan on doing some trailblazing, and if you want to tag along, you're going to have to be very open-minded. More importantly though, you will also need to love yourself. The bottom line is: If you can't stand to be in a room with yourself (without any electronic devices) for just a few hours, this REALLY isn't for you!
Now then, if you're still reading, you're probably a little more spiritually advanced than the average person. If that is the case, you might think this sounds like a negative thing to say, but I don't think I can truly be happy until I finally achieve enlightenment. The positive word in that statement however, is "until," because it means that it WILL happen! I am absolutely determined, and I have already come a long long way on this journey. As a matter of fact, I once hated life so much, I cursed God out like Lieutenant Dan did in Forrest Gump! Truth be told - I might have been a little worse! I was basically just yelling questions like; Why this and, why that and, why, why, WHY??? Long story short - I told God that if he told me who or what he really is, I would do ANYTHING HE WANTS! OTHERWISE GO FFFFF... Well,... at the time, I think I was just blowing off steam, and I didn't really expect to get a response, but in hindsight, I remember that my nephew had called me immediately afterwards to ask me for my email. He wanted to send me an ebook that he thought I would find interesting. I put that book on my desktop for later, but it took almost a year before I actually read it, and when did, I realized that God had answered me right away. I just didn't know how to pay attention back then. That book filled a lot of holes in the Bible story, but it also led me into a deep rabbit hole. Now decades later, I finally think I know what God is and what he wants from me! And THAT is the same thing that will be expected of you eventually - if not in this lifetime, then maybe the next... or the next. We all need to get to the next level of enlightenment which many refer to as the fifth density, and then we need to teach others how to get there. I mean... That's what Jesus did, right?
Speaking of Jesus, enlightened people have been very far and inbetween in our known history. Before the internet boom, I had watched a documentary on television about how some spiritual people had gotten enlightened in the past. Some people, apparently, would go to a monastery somewhere for thirty years to learn how to meditate in order to achieve enlightenment. The downside to that was that there was no guarantee it would even happen. Some very well known spiritual masters, however, would sit in the same little 9-square-foot area located on the side of some Himalayan mountain for a few days. If I heard the story correctly, that's similar to what the Buddha did - he sat under a tree! So what does that tell me? Is it boredom? Do you have to achieve the most extreme level of boredom to become enlightened? I've heard, but I doubt very much, that you need the desire to actually die. I'm not even going to entertain that theory! I personally prefer to believe something that I once heard as a question, "could it be that it just takes that long for a person to forget everyone and everything about their own life and start focusing more on God"? Now, due to the little I DO know about meditation, that make more sense to me, but let's continue! As time went by, I started watching documentaries online about some Mayan prophecies, and galactic alignments, and cosmic uploads, a mass awakening, a New Earth and I... I honestly didn't know what to think about all that back then, but apparently, people are getting enlightened all the time now. Besides, if just that time... AND it's going to help... Bonus!!!
So, exactly what is enlightenment, to me specifically? Because I don't care what dictionary you check, the definition is vague. A common analogy amongst the spiritual community is when "the veil is lifted," aaaand...That's vague too. I once saw a t-shirt though, that made me understand a little bit better. The print on the shirt said, "I am not a human being having a spiritual experience. I am a spiritual being having a human experience," but to believe that as much as I do, is STILL not being enlightened. At least not to me! I need the experience of being the spirit. I want to look at my body from 10 feet away without a mirror, and then jump back in, of course. Think about that! If you could do that, you would instantly lose your fear of death, because you would know for a fact that your body is just a suit that you need to wear while you're here on Earth - playing this game we call life. My personal belief is that we are eternal beings! We have always been, and we will always be! Jesus said it Himself in John 10:34 - "Jesus answered them, is it not written in your law, I said, ye are gods?" Therefore, I believe that Jesus was really telling us that He isn't God's only son; we are ALL God's children; and we can all learn how to perform those "miracles" in time. When Jesus said "faith can move mountains," He wasn't talking about his own faith! Think about that for a second! How many times did He tell people that their own faith healed them and that He didn't do a thing? All my research over the years has led me to believe that after enlightenment is achieved, greater powers will begin to develop. For instance, with just a couple of months of training, you might be able to turn a psi wheel with your mind (Telekinesis). It's possible that telepathy might take a few more lifetimes to develop; and teleportation? - God only knows! I also read somewhere that going forward after enlightenment, we would begin remembering our lifetimes after each birth. I guess we'll have to see that when the time comes, but I've listened to so many documented and verified stories about people who remember their past lives, so I remain hopeful.
I look at enlightenment as the ultimate experience, and apparently, God gives a few people this gift without them even asking for it. I'm quite jealous,actually. Sometimes people just leave the house, get hit by a car, and bam!!! They're talking to God! You know what's worse is, most of them don't even want to come back and tell us about it. Hell! They don't even want to come back! God has to force them to. Anyway, these people are referred to as Near-death-experiencers (NDE's), and they often come back from the other side with some kind of extra sensory perception (ESP). There are others that are luckier in one sense, because they don't have to die, but unlucky in another sense, because they don't usually meet God or know that they have more powers. These people are referred to as "out-of-body-experiencers (OBE's), and a man named Robert Monroe founded the Monroe Institute in 1974, so he could teach people how to achieve this experience. How did he learn himself? Well, Robert had owned a television channel and then a radio station before deciding to experiment on the effect music has on dreams. Although he probably didn't realize it at the time, he was actually meditating while conducting this experiment. You see, Robert was trying to go to sleep so he could have a dream while listening to music. However, he was conducting this experiment at work, after getting a full night's rest at home, so falling asleep again was no easy task. Now, if you've ever tried desperately to go to sleep when you're not the least bit tired, you would know that the plan is always to stop thinking, right? Most of us can't do it for more than a few seconds at a time, and we know we can't just shut our brain off, but it's still the plan, right? Well if you really think about it, that's very similar to meditation. During meditation, the idea is to forget about the past and the future and focus on the present moment. You can do that by focusing on a breathing technique or by focusing on an intricate object like a flower or pinecone. So what happened with Robert Monroe? It appears that about a year later, Robert had gotten quite good at meditation. And so, he closed his eyes to go to sleep one night (after a long day of sleep at work) and then he bumped into the ceiling. He opened his eyes; turned around; and realized he was floating above the bed and looking down at his own body on his bed right next to his wife.
Now, I have listened to hundreds of NDE and OBE first-hand testimonies as well as documentaries and lectures, so I've drawn quite a few conclusions like; you don't have to go to any church or be part of any religion, or believe anybody else's beliefs because they say so! If you really want to know if there IS a God and/or what he wants from you, then all you really have to do is ask Him yourself! "Empty your mind, and the Creator will fill it''! It's that simple! It may not be that easy, mind you, but it IS that simple. Well... wait!.... I guess an NDE is pretty easy to achieve, but were going to stay clear of that technique for obvious reasons. So let's talk about meditation instead! If you want to leave your body like Robert Monroe; or heal people like Edgar Cayce; or practice telekinesis like Nina Kulagina; or gather knowledge from the akashic records like Nostradamus, then you will need to meditate. Now I'm only assuming that there are different meditation techniques for all those different purposes, but I'm still stuck at clearing the mind, sooo... that's where I'm at! Worse yet, I can't very well just meditate all day and night for a year like Robert Monroe without going broke. Can you?
Luckily, I found out there's a shortcut! Unfortunately, it's another one of them very simple techniques that are very far from easy! I'm talking about fasting! Yep! All we have to do is stop eating until we decalcify the pineal gland. Yep! Apparently, we eat so much garbage in this day and age, that a layer of calcium has built up and covered our pineal glands. It is said that the pineal gland is the doorway to the spirit world, and if we decalcify it, incredible things would happen - like OBE's, visions, premonitions, and so on. I personally believe this because I THINK I had a vision once. In 2017, I had participated in a spiritual retreat that involved fasting. Just before the retreat though, I was working on an invention that involved 6 long steps, and about seven days into the fast, I had a crystal clear dream that lasted less than a second. It was just a picture that showed me how to cut that 6-step process down to 2 steps. The most amazing part of it was the feeling that there was a message without actually hearing it - "this is what would happen all the time, if you would just continue to eat better and stop smoking." And what happened after the retreat? I went back to work; ate lunch at Taco Bell; and then I bought a pack of cigarettes after that.
So for years, I thought I was just too weak-minded to practice meditation and too weak-minded to decalcify my pineal gland. I thought that maybe I just didn't want it bad enough. But no - That just can't be! There is no way in HELL that ANYBODY can get to the level of relaxation necessary to achieve enlightenment while they're working a 40-hour-per-week job. I should probably take a moment and state that this is only my opinion, but IMPOSSIBLE!!! Think about it! After your eight hours of work, you still have to drive home, right? Then you have to eat - you can stop for food on the way home, or instead, you can get home and cook, eat, and then wash dishes. After that, you have to shit and shower and shave. Now if -IF - I only worked eight hours per day; drove home in ten minutes; nuked a dinner and ate in twenty minutes; did the old boot camp SSS in six minutes flat; and then had absolutely nothing else to do with my life; I might still have a few hours left to meditate, but If you have a family... good luck with that! For argument's sake though, let's just say that I did have a few hours to meditate every night. It still isn't enough time to relax both mind and body to the level necessary for enlightenment. It takes me more than an hour just to get the days events out of my mind. Then, when I'm finally able to relax and start focusing on my breathing, I'll fall right asleep because I'm exhausted from work - and honestly? - That still happens after a 3-day week-end.
Another issue is decalcifying the pineal gland! And uhhh... Maybe that's not so impossible. It honestly would be "easier" to just eat raw fruits and Vegetables, because there'd be no cooking or dishwashing involved... but it's not REALLY easy, now is it! Even if your will IS stronger than mine, and you manage to stay away from coffee, dairy products, chocolate, sugar, meat, tobacco, fluoride, alcohol, drugs, and God only knows what else; It's still not easy, now is it? And yet... It was actually VERY easy when I fasted at the retreat with the group. So what's up with that, huh?
Let's take a minute to sum up the key points, so we can come up with a solution. First off - "the retreat" itself was not a physical place. Instead, it was a gathering which was held at a nice hotel in Arizona. There was an outside swimming pool and a hot tub and a couple of fire pits with a few very friendly guests talking and kids playing. I shared a room with a gentleman whom I had great conversations with at the end of each night. The event lasted 10 days, and the focus of the retreat was fasting. It was awesome! I cannot stress how much easier it was to fast with a group of people instead of alone. The other participants were so friendly, we just socialized all day and I only really thought about food when the aroma from the cafeteria filled the air (THREE TIMES A DAY)!!! But then, I had that little dream or vision that I mentioned earlier... It honestly felt like that experience was just a tease! And so the questions arise: What would have happened if there were no other guests besides the retreats' participants? What if there wasn't a cafeteria with the awesome smell of food during the fast? What would have happened if I had meditated every night before bed instead of socializing with my roommate? What would've happened if, after a week of fasting with the group, I had spent the last few days of the retreat absolutely alone in nature - Like those spiritual masters sitting on the side of a Himalayan Mountain. I need to know the answer to these questions, and there is no way for me to find out without taking a leap of faith.
So this is what I'm going to do. I'm going to buy a piece of land and create a campground specifically designed for spiritual ascension. It will be located somewhere in a deserted area of the southern United States like Arizona or New Mexico. Each event will be two weeks long. The first week will be a good time spent as a group, and we would be preparing ourselves gradually for the second week which we will spend alone. There will be no other people aside from participants and staff, no cafeteria, no electronics, no electricity, and no roommates! Each participant would get their own acre of land with a nice and cool little earth home. Inside of the earth home there will be a chair for meditating; a platform for a bed, (bring your own mattress,) and a little room to pace! Outside of the earth home there will be an out-house with some kind of third-world-shower. A staff member will deliver a tall glass of 100% freshly juiced fruit... juice three times per day, as well as three gallons of water for drinking and showering. The staff member will be instructed to make eye contact with the participant ONLY for a confirmation that all is well. At that point, the participant can respond with a "thumbs up" motion from a distance, IF of course, all is truly well! Otherwise, all needs would be met!
Amenities will include:
a meditation chair under a gazebo (so you can watch the sunset and the sunrise)
a hammock (so you can look at the stars at night)
None of this is going to be easy! Being alone isn't easy; fasting isn't easy; and meditating isn't easy! If enlightenment were easy to achieve, I guess we would all have some kind of spiritual master living down the block, but I for one, do not! I'm assuming that's because if you want to be a master, you have to do things most people are not willing to do. So, if you think this doesn't sound like something you would enjoy doing, then let me assure you - It's going to suck!!!
This is what to expect at the retreat
During the first week, everyone will be invited to meet at a designated spot to watch the sun rise in complete silence. How often have we ever done that in our lives, huh? I'm sure there are a few of you, like myself, that might see the sun rise every day on the way to work, but it's not the same thing now, is it?
The next area will be intended for some kind of physical exercise. I will definitely find someone to lead a group stretch and/or yoga class, but maybe I'll have a few weights laying around just in case Yoga is not for you. I personally like to run, so I'm also planning to eventually pave a walking/running/bicycle trail around the whole campground. The purpose of the exercise is not for any kind of fitness gains, but merely to keep the body active. As a matter of fact, as the week progresses we will gradually decrease our exercise to a mild stretch routine, because we will also be simultaneously reducing our caloric intake to 0.
And speaking of caloric intake, We will cook breakfast on the firsts two days of retreat, followed by a group conversation concerning some aspect of reality as we know it.... or not know it. These conversations will most likely include, but not limited to topics like:
Ancient Aliens/History
The Bible UFO connection
Near Death Experiences
How to Meditate
Out of Body Experiences
The Flower of Life